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Coming This Fall:
The Lord Strange Company
is dedicated to producing original theater in the New York City area with a core group of talented writers, actors, directors and designers. We seek to create an ensemble that is collaborative and yet mindful of traditional theater roles. We take our name from one of Shakespeare's early patrons, Ferdinando Stanley, a.k.a. Lord Strange.

Coming in October 2007: Pornographic Angel,
the tales of Nelson Rodrigues

“I am a child who sees love through a keyhole. I was never anything else. I was born a child and am bound to die a child, and the keyhole is my lense. I am, and always have been, a pornographic angel.” -- Nelson Rodrigues

Following its U.S. debut production of Nelson Rodrigues' The Asphalt Kiss, The Lord Strange Company recently purchased the English-language rights to a collection of short stories by Rodrigues entitled Life As It Is. Slated to open in New York City in October 2007, the script for the upcoming production, Pornographic Angel, is comprised of a selection of these short stories.

Pornographic Angel

Brazilian director Cláudia Tatinge Nascimento brings her unique persepective to the short stories of Brazil's greatest playwright, Nelson Rodrigues.

Cláudia Tatinge Nascimento

Cláudia Tatinge Nascimento teaches theatre at Wesleyan University. With Cleveland's New World Performance Laboratory she participated in Grotowski's final Objective Drama Session at the UC-Irvine, and toured to Europe and South America. Tatinge Nascimento received her Ph.D. in Theatre and Drama from UW-Madison. In 1997, she co-founded The WInter Project with Jeff Morrison, directing and performing in Eyes of a Blue Dog, based on the short story by García Marquez, and the U.S. premiere of Garcia Lorca's Once Five Years Pass. She recently directed the North American premieres of Brazilian playwright Nelson Rodrigues' Lady of the Drowned and The Deceased Woman.

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